wow! talk about cute...
friends and family will know that i'm a tokidoki fan, and that i love tokidoki-for-lesportsac multi-purpose bags :) thanks to davis for sharing this link, we now know that tokidoki has USB flash drives too! *lol*.. so cute!
>> tokidoki for mimobot designer USB flash drives
i'm not sure if i need another flash-drive (i already have 2)... but these tokidoki ones are just too adorable! i like meletta mimobot most! wish they had those with the signature tokidoki girls too...
priced from US$39.95 up, each of these tokidoki cuties even comes pre-loaded with "goodies":
" The tokidoki for MIMOBOT collection comes preloaded with an exciting personalization suite of tokidoki desktop icons, wallpapers, avatars, the MIMOBOT SoundByte™ application....." hmm... quite tempting, huh? :P
PS: if you're not as keen on tokidoki designs, check out the complete range of mimobots, you're bound to find one you like! (eg. star wars series)
you search. we grow trees.
this is the tagline for a very cute search-engine - ecocho. powered by Yahoo! search, this site works just like our regular search-engine, except with each search that we run, the eco-friendly site promises to contribute towards growing new trees.
it's green searching, it's search now, and grow more trees :)
other links:
- find out more about ecocho and the story behind its conception
- ecocho blog
- the saga on why Google pulled out from the programme
i enjoy spotting/hunting down quirky and cute stuff, especially on girly items like handbags, makeup, clothes and accessories etc.
too faced is one of my favourite to-watch cosmetics brand, not just because it's not available here in singapore (somehow things not within reach demand a higher perceived value :P), but more so of its very cute and fun way of putting things together - ie. the packaging.
check this out - a decade of glamour beauty wardrobe makeup kit/palette (US$40).
nice bronzer pattern *smile*.. and such interesting packaging, feels almost like you're buying a barbie doll!
(images from
i can't help drooling over these gorgeous new COACH bags again! i've always been more inclined towards the monogram prints than the leather range... but this time, the ergo patent leather pleated framed satchels (especially the pink and navy ones) are just so so beautiful! *swoon* :D
the denim version looks soo cute too!
the brass clasp, the tattersall inner lining, the ergo shape.. ooh, i want!
some serious lemmings attack!
PS: check out the complete droolicious ergo range on COACH website.
to drink or not to drink.... more?
this article challenges the long-acclaimed advice to drink at least 8 glasses (1.5 litres) of water everyday.
quotes like these from the article seem to really contradict what we've all been heeding for a long time:
"Just drink when you are thirsty"...
"In fact, drinking large amounts of water, actually and surprisingly, tends to reduce the ability of the kidney to function as a filter."
well, whose advice to heed, that'll be up to every individual to decide.
i personally think in a super hot and humid country like singapore, we ought to drink more water to hydrate and cool ourselves. "8 glasses" seems like a reasonable amount to me, seems like a natural thing to do too :)
many of us wouldn't be unfamiliar with the recent craze over the coveted "i'm not a plastic bag" canvas tote from anya hindmarch. the rising attention to eco-friendliness and green-movement has brought about a surge of recyclable totes and shopping/grocery bags being produced and sold all over the world.
i wasn't looking for a recyclable shopping bag (but you know how i can't resist pretty stuff :P)... chanced upon these japanese-print foldable bags - again at takashimaya - and grabbed two of the small-sized ones: one for mum, one for myself :D
though nowhere near the league of anya hindmarch's "I'm not a plastic bag", these water-resistant, light-weight nylon bags (small S$8.55; large S$13.50) ain't exactly very cheap either. but my excuse: they're so pretty and easy to tuck inside my regular bags, i will be doing a lot more for the environment by skipping those plastic bags more often ;)
ps: if you'd missed out on the previous anya hindmarch "i'm not a plastic bag", check out the new A.H. fashion week totes.
folks and friends around me will know that i have a penchant for cute, prettily-packaged, sometimes not-very-useful things and ornaments :P well, i just have a soft spot when it comes to that. can't explain my obsession... but who doesn't like beautiful things? :)
i had never heard of the kimmidolls until i saw some displayed behind the cashier counter at takashimaya. yes, i was on my way to pay for some items and had to do a re-route the moment i caught sight of those ornamental dolls :P i might have been able to resist buying one, if these dolls didn't look so adorable, and each comes with their own "life's true value" attached to it. *lol*.. yeah, big sucker i am.

i would have loved the "choya" (butterfly) doll but since i didn't find it, i brought home instead "yoko" - a pink-dressed mini doll (S$12.90) with a crew-cut hairstyle. she's adorable. according to the attached collectors' card, "yoko" represents "positive" and is supposed to send positive vibes to her collector... so that's not a bad thing :)
for more information, and to see the complete set of dolls, check out some nice gift ideas....
in the past year, cozycot has seen various new looks and features, softer touches, more stylish illustrations, pleasing presentation and colour themes, especially in the all-popular cozycot forum section.
i just logged in tonight, and voila! a new facelift again! cool! :)
looks like we'll be seeing more advertisements, sponsored-features, advertorials etc. pretty soon. hopefully cozycot will remain stylishly done and continue to maintain it's cozy/homely environment, even as the community grows and moves along with time.
kudos cozycot team!
i'm quite "adventurous" when it comes to my selection of bed linen. i do like the plain, luxurious satin, crisp sheets with thick heavy comforter in poshy air-conditioned hotel rooms. but at home, i opt mostly for the girly-cutesy-colourful type cotton bed linen (think floral, pinks, cartoons, bears, puppies..) :)
delias has some really pretty bed linen sets - check them out.
guess which is my favourite?