the very moment i arrived outside the halls at level 6, seeing the live drawings of tokidoki (alongside other artists' works) at the entrance signage board, i felt like a 12-year-old all over again :D as we headed straight for the tokidoki booth, we passed by folks dressed up in star wars - darth vader, jedi costumes; some cosplay japanese anime characters... it was really interesting.
when we finally came to the tokidoki booth (A07), it was instant adrenaline rush! the tokidoki booth was so packed, you could hardly see what's on display. after minutes of waiting and pushing through the throngs of people, we were finally able to get our hands on some tokidoki merchandise. we each got a tokidoki t-shirt (only S$20 - which is definitely much cheaper than the original retail price), some uber cute stickers, and the uchiwa paper fans ;)
just as i was struggling to keep the items into my handbag, the next thing i knew, simone legno was standing right in front of me across the glass panel! *gasp* weren't we lucky to be right there right then?! i guess most of us were expecting some kind of proper autograph area/table... but there just wasn't one. so simone simply stood at the glass display and started autographing for his fans! and being so close to him, we managed to get our autographs signed in less than 10 mins.! :D i was absolutely thrilled! it's even better than i'd expected... getting to be so upclose with THE simone lego, the man behind the tokidoki label... oh boy oh boy oh boy! (ps: he's actually cuter in person ;))
i got simone to autograph on 2 of my beloved tokidoki-LSS bags... check out the photos above. for the rest of the day, you guessed it... i was on this constant "high".. hehe ;) i hope we'll get to meet simone legno again. tokidoki rules! and next time, hope the organisers will do better and arrange a proper sit-down autograph area for him. the poor guy had to stand through the entire hour-long autograph sessions amidst the throngs of crowd.
more STCC stories:
- tokidoki @ Singapore Comic and Toy Convention - Preview Night
- tokidoki @ Singapore Comic and Toy Convention - Day One
- Photos Galore! Singapore Toy & Comic Convention 2008