s&-'les-ch&l, -'lesh-, -'les-tE-&l
1: of, relating to, or suggesting heaven or divinity
2: of or relating to the sky or visible heavens (the sun, moon, and stars are celestial bodies)
4: capitalised (Celestial Empire, old name for China): of or relating to China or the Chinese
"I'm not very comfortable with fire. I can light candles and stuff but not one huge torch like that."(source: channel news asia) erhm.. did i just hear what i heard on the news? gosh. i must say i'm quite taken aback that one of the chosen, honoured student torch leaders for the asian youth games (AYG), actually said something like that *roll eyes*
ok, i get it, they're young students - innocent, speak their mind, no PR training, no pretence etc.but come on.. if she's going to be quoted on national TV for that ONE statement, of all things she had to say that? *duh*
click on the following live stream from the site: singapore - 29 jun: Day two of torch relay ceremony takes AYG flame to 45 schools (sit through the 9 second commercial, then watch closely the brief interview from time 3:03 onwards)
these cocktail mixer-like fragrances are just too delectable to resist.i have no clue yet how good or desirable these scents really are but the bottle and packaging sure got me sold - makes me wanna just reach through the screen and grab them all! :) look at how the packaging/box even opens up to detailed dollhouse-like prints on the inside! oh la la!
benefit cosmetics have some of the cutest and most whimsical cosmetics/beauty products packaging ever. though i didn't exactly like any of their previous scents such as maybe baby or b-spot, i do have some hopes on this new range. i mean.. look at them, they're just too pretty to be missed!and since there are 3 to choose from, chances of getting at least one right is pretty high, isn't it? ;)
undecided on which scent might work best for you, let this quiz give you a hint. my quiz result shows that laugh with me lee lee should be my pick *shrugs* - i'm personally drawn to something about sofia from the descriptions of the notes though...
priced at USD36 each for 30ml, i say go get them all! :D
these are soooo cool, and look drooliciously good! great for such retail brands' special events. i bet fans will go crazy receiving one of these... even if it's a simple gift-with-purchase.
my colleague's wedding is coming up, and it so happened that both bride and groom's first names start with the letter "C", so she thinks the "double-back-Cs" Chanel lollipop would make a lovely wedding favour. neat idea, if noneof their guests works for Chanel ;)
fairly inexpensive to produce, but certainly a talking point.
about the photographer "Massimo Gammacurta is a "conceptual still life photographer born in Rome, Italy. Influenced by the futurist art movement, the graffiti culture, and Fellini & Pasolini films, he has shot stills and portraits for a host of publications and advertising such as Details, Forbes, Style Montecarlo, XXL, Nike, Lexus, Wieden & Kennedy, and Surface Magazine."(source) find out more at
every once in a while, some TV commercial just catches your attention and makes you smile/laugh.recently, this particular one stood out in the crowd, i love it! lol.
reminds me of their older commercial - the one with jennifer anniston in it. both funny in a witty, tasteful way, unexpected twist at the end. makes you smile.
i wonder if this commercial (the walk-in heineken fridge one) appeals as much to the guys as it does to the female audiences? ;)
i was just updating my blog and exploring new features, and decided to give celestial its first makeover in 3.5 years. it's interesting how a simple change of colour theme makes such a big difference. i like this new breath of fresh air...
i'm always drawn to polka dots, so i've kept the dots, just went for a lighter, fresher background shade. what do you think?
if darker clothes make one look slimmer, then does a lighter shade make my blog look fatter or wider instead? ;)
OMG.. my heart stopped (ok, i'm exaggerating, my heart didn't stop.. maybe just paused for a little) ;) these are soooooo nice! gorgeous dress! absolutely cute bread stamp!
i really love the cut, the colour and fit of this victoria's secret dress- on sale now at USD63.99. it looks perfect (at least on that supermodel)! btw, i love her hair too.. lol.
i wouldn't exactly order this online though, unless i see it in person. i find that VS clothes tend to fall short on expectation - they would look great online (in pics.) but the actual material usually turns out a bit "bleh". looks like i'll just have to save the pic. in my "love-to-have" folder for now.
isn't this the cutest slice of toast you've ever seen?
no? alright.
if they sold this locally eg. at takashimaya cookware section or something, i might pick one up just for fun.imagine preparing breakfast with this, a few slices of "french toasts", a couple of heart-shaped sunny side up, freshly squeezed orange juice + hot milk tea *wink*.. so cute, so romantic <3<3<3