thanks to a friend's SMS notification, i logged on to Google homepage just few minutes ago, and played the Google pacman before typing this. i'm not a good gamer, my pacman 'died' 2 times before i finally managed to dodge all the monsters and eat up all the pac-dots to complete the course. final score 3750 :Pso why is there the Google pacman game today?"Google celebrates Pacman’s 30th birthday (anniversary)
The reason for the Google Pacman logo is that Google is celebrating Pacman’s 30th anniversary." (more on social media SEO)
happy birthday, pacman!
today's Day 2 of the Google pacman and it will be here only for 48 hours (ie. it'll be gone after Saturday), so hurry to Google homepage and have a go at it before it's too late! :) btw, there's a hidden Player 2 Ms. Pacman in the game too.. use your WASD keys, go figure out ;)
check out other recent interesting google logos too:- sesame street 40th anniversary (7 days)- winter olympics 2010 (16 days)ps: if you didn't read this post in time and missed the Google pacman, stress not. you can still play the free online version - pac-match party - on
just logged on to my iGoogle and here's my horoscope reading for today.
LibraBy Rick LevineEven if ultimate gratification remains elusive, you can see the big difference
that your attitude makes as you process your frustration today.
It's quite rewarding when you can live out your dreams,
even if they are simple and straightforward.
But the final outcome is up to you, so consciously recreate your vision
so it's not so far beyond your reach that it feels hopeless.
hmm.. looks like i should really start entertaining my thoughts of taking random days off from work just to rest and do nothing, or a short getaway. something "simple and straightforward". *sigh* i need to do that. so many things to do day after day, so many hours spent at work. and this morning, i was just wondering what's the purpose of my life.. what am i truly living for.
one of those days...
this is my maternal grandpa (i call him 'yi-gong').
this picture was taken on my iPhone by my aunt in 2009, look how dark my grandpa's hair was for someone of his age - and he never once dyed his the early hours last Saturday morning, he left the world peacefully at the age of 102, while everyone else were sleeping. he will be remembered forever, and we will miss him.
my grandpa was a mild-tempered and kind man. a man of few words, he never went to school but could actually write in chinese. when i was young, i remember seeing him scribbling chinese notes and tallying accounts on the back of old cardboard boxes and cigarette packaging, and thinking, "wow, where did he learn that?"
grandpa spoke mostly in the Hock Chew dialect, a little bit of Hokkien but would also understand my broken semi-Hock Chew-Hokkien-Mandarin sentences :)
i grew up at my grandparents' home, i was babysat by them.
i know i will always look back fondly upon my childhood days, the cherished memories of my grandpa - him and his big old bicycle with the huge bamboo basket in which he used to carry goods and equipment for the family coffee stall. once he ferried my cousin in it and both of them fell into the drain along the road.
i remember him always fishing coins out from his piggy bank which he recycled from old 'Marlboro' or '555' cigarette tins (even though he didn't smoke). i loved those tins, wish i had kept one before. when i was in primary school, grandpa would give me 50 cents everyday to buy tidbits whenever i came home from school. i later learned that he had done the same with my youngest uncle (his son) and my eldest cousin (his grandson) too. those tins must have provided for the few of us for many many years. grandpa never had a lot of money but always managed to save the best of everything for his children and grandchildren and even great grandchildren.
my grandparents ran a coffee stall in an old hawker, so there were always a lot of coffee-stall-related equipment at home - large metal tins of tea powder, coffee making tins and filter 'socks', large cardboard boxes of all kinds of cigarettes (which often became my make-believe boats in which i sat in and 'rowed' about; smaller boxes were used to build 'houses' for my barbie dolls), and cans and cans of condensed milk tins...
he used to sleep on a mattress in the living room at the old flat, and sometimes i would see him 'fight with the Japanese' in his dreams. i had never seen him scold or beat anyone up but in his dreams he would sometimes remember those days during the war and he would fight and scold in Japanese in his dreams.
so those were some of the good old times i had with my grandpa.just wanted to post a little something in remembrance of him.
last friday, my colleagues knew i was going to head back to the office late to pick up something, and look what a 'surprise' a few of my prankster colleagues left behind for me...
kudos to them, i literally jumped when i switched on the lights and saw a guy seated at the corner staring at me. lol.
they knew i used to like Aaron Kwok (郭富城) in my early teenage years, so they made a life-size printout of his face and palms??! (haha) and then dressed 'him' up in my red hoodie sweater with my office slippers right at his invisible feet *tsk tsk*..i must say they had done a pretty good job with this, didn't they? it did look real at first glance especially in the dark office, very life-like and i sure got freaked out for a bit *smile* hmm.. i wonder where they had gotten those track pants from...