"... among the first women hired by a northern Minnesota iron mine in 1975. In this brutal workplace, female miners were relentlessly threatened with pornographic graffiti, denigrating language, stalking, and physical assaults. Terrified of losing their jobs, the women kept their problems largely to themselves?ntil Lois, devastated by the abuse, found the courage to file a complaint against the company in 1984." (excerpt from the book "class action")
the movie's fairly long - went in at 9:35pm, came out just minutes before 12 midnight. i liked the movie (more so the theme), but guess i must have had too high expectations of this show, ended up feeling a little disappointed after watching it. i found the first 2/3 of the movie a little slow and draggy, not much help in building up the climax of the story either. the portayals of the sexual harrassment incidents somehow didn't quite do it for me - yes they're disgusting, but just not impactful enough. i enjoyed the last 30 mins. of the movie best... the emotional crunch, touching moments (ok, now you know i'm a sucker for soap dramas... lol), and of course, the final victory of josie which led to the birth of the first sexual harrassment class action in USA, which eventually benefitted all women around the world. (((applause)))
since north country was inspired by a true story, i salute the women who stood strong against the "dark forces" of those more powerful, and fought till the final victory.
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