my colleague mentioned something about this jajah VoIP-enabled phone-to-phone calls the other day, and I happened to receive an international call last night from USA, without even realising it's connected via VoIP (ie. the connection is very clear, no breaking, at least for that phonecall). wish I had known of this service much earlier, imagine the savings on the international phone-bills....
VoIP is, in my own words, phone calls connected via the Internet, instead of our regular telecom operators. in the past, the closest service that came close to this was skype... where people make free/ or low-cost phone calls from pc-to-pc/ pc-to-phone (with the aid of pc-mics. and headsets).
now with the new jajah, it's amazing!
all you have to do is register your own mobile phone or landline number with jajah on the web, then enter the number you wish to call, and jajah will first ring your own phone, after you pick up, it'll ring your recipient's phone number. once the call is activated, you don't have to stay in front of the pc. this is all charged at a super low rate for zone 1 countries (both landlines & mobile) - USA, canada, china, hong kong, singapore and taiwan. plus, if both zone 1 parties are active registered jajah users, then the phone call is free! (even for international-calls to above-stated countries).
I'm so excited about this, just have to share it here.
go read up the terms & conditions on the web, try the 5-min free trial, get familiar and register! (I tried, no charge)
- free trial: http://www.jajah.com
- sign up as jajah user: http://www.jajah.com/members/register.aspx
- read up on how to qualify for free calls: http://www.jajah.com/info/help/freecalls
- countries and calling rates: http://www.jajah.com/info/rates
- about jajah: http://www.jajah.com/info/about
fyi - my mobile phone and home phones are registered numbers now. so if you try calling me using jajah, it'll be free when we become "active" users :) if not, calls are just 2.5 cents (US$) per min. for all zone 1 countries - that means only US$3 for 2 hours talk-time!!
(extract from jajah.com)
"About payment:
You can start using JAJAH without any payment - your actual credit limit is USD 3.00.
You can pre-pay credit into your account when using bank transfer, moneybookers or paysafecard as your chosen method of payment.
Payments with credit cards are only possible after your amount due has reached at least USD 1.25. After that, you can simply pay the amount due or upload pre-pay credit of USD 10.00, USD 15.00, USD 20.00 or USD 25.00 with your credit card."
hai... ur blog is very useful.. thank u
hello there! you're welcome, glad it's of some help. thanks for dropping by.
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