this particular shop supposedly sells cartoonish-cute earrings & accessories at really pocket-friendly prices. maybe those earrings and i are just not fated to "meet". i have already made 3 separate trips to bugis village in search of that shop, but all in vain *sigh*. 1st visit - i couldn't locate the shop; 2nd visit - i was there with a friend after dinner, most of the shops were closed; 3rd visit (today) - i was there at 1pm, and guess what? most of the shops were not open yet *roll eyes*... oh well, just my luck.
so... to temporarily cure my itch (for cheap earrings), i stopped by this other accessories shop at bugis village and bought myself some pretties :) not exactly what i'm looking for, nonetheless cheap-&-nice. there must be over 1,000 pairs of earrings/ ear-studs displayed at that tiny corner-shop (if you really count).... comes in all shapes/ sizes/ textures/ colours etc. but i was just obssessed with these rose-shaped ones! *thumbs up* had a hard time deciding on these 6 final pairs.
total damage = S$10 :D

the quest for more cute and cheap earrings continues.....
veri pretty... & cheap too! i like the pink retro pair. hehe... i haf a similar white rose pair made of soft clay... bought at j8 quite some time ago. cost me $10+!
it's ok to pay $10+ for a soft-clay pair. you might be deceived by my picture.. those roses in top row are all "paper" ones, so don't last long :P the ones in the bottom row are plastics. if you like, i'll buy more to giveaway as x'mas pressies this year hehehe ;) btw, i have a joke to tell about the paper-rose-earrings, shall post tomorrow.....
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