for spontaneity, for thrill, for the sheer sake of doing it, for no apparent reason.
as you can see, this post has not much content in it.
i stayed up late last night watching rented DVDs, by the time i went to bed, it was almost 2:00am.
i should still be snoozing in bed but here i am, up and awake earlier than most usual saturdays, only because i wanna leave my mark right here, right now...
on 7th july 2007, at 7:07am :)
as you read, thank you for being a part of this lucky 7 moment with me too.
btw, check out the live earth concert happening on this day.
show your support... answer the call against the climate crisis, wear green today.
i will :)
U're amazing!!
I totally forgot about today being the 0707! :P
eredux: thanks for dropping by, and sharing the carbon footprint map. it's very interesting to see, yet scary at the same time - all that pollution. i wonder how singapore would fare.
sherie: hehehe... well, it's just one of those coincidental thoughts that came to mind. actually i made a post on 06/06/06 last year too - just wasn't specially dedicated to it like i've done for this year :) btw, today's supposed to be a HOT date for weddings too.
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