came across a small feature in the Life! section of The Straits Times paper today, and upon further googling around, found these super duper cute tool kits made for women! if i have my own house, i'd certainly get one of these tool kits for vanity's sake *lol*. well, i'm sure having my very own set of handy tools (in PINK) would so make any handy work around the house much more appealing! imagine fixing up your own D-I-Y ikea furniture with these pink cutsies... ooh chic and cool! and maybe once i pass my driving test, i should get myself one of those car kits as a reward ;)
so pretty just to look at, aren't they?
hello dolly hang-it-up kit (mini tool kit) US$49.90 | S$65.95
- 10.5cm (L) x 5.2cm (W)
- 20-in-1 screwdriver
- 3-in-1 level
- hammer
- tape measure
- assorted hardware (nails, screws, picture hooks)
hello dolly 30 piece tool kit US$79.90 | S$119
- 40cm (L) x 28cm (W) x 6cm (D)
- 20-in-1 screwdriver
- 3-in-1 level
- hammer
- utility knife
- 6" adjustable spanner
- 6.5" blunt nose pliers
- 3m measuring tape
- assorted hardware (nails, screws, picture hooks)
- scissors
- comes in its own slimlline pink case :D
the safety girl roadside emergency kit US$44.99 | S$59
- Space® brand emergency blanket
- safety light stick
- 5 bandages
- 2 antiseptic wipes
- instructions to change a flat tire
- instructions to jump start a dead battery
- emergency contact list
- accident record
- safety girl pencil
- purified water
- Ghirardelli squares chocolate
- Zox breath freshener
- lip moisturiser
- Gilead aromatherapy headache remedy
- Shout instant spot remover wipe
- Dove anti-perspirant
- Speedy Clean cleaning wipes
- 2 Dittie tampons
- emergency sewing repair kit
- professional nail file
more insanely girly stuff available on hello dolly website and safety girl website.
also available on local online store (reasonable pricing, includes local shipping).
i love pink.i love polka what's not to love about this super girly satiny CD wallet with a ribbon?
i didn't exactly need this, but when i saw it on sale at Challenger, i just couldn't resist picking one up :P figured i could always use a cute wallet for storing my digital photos CDs etc. *wink*
wallet for 16 CDs: S$4.90
(dual-pack) wallets for 16 + 48 CDs: S$9.90
the tokidoki-lesportsac collaboration had ended sometime last year, to the relief of many toki-finatics (yes, time to heal that big hole we've burnt in our pocket)... but the good (or bad) news didn't last long... tokidoki bags are now back with not just 1 nor 2, but 3 new line-ups for this year! :)
the first in the series - carnival - has just launched early this month, with a slightly toned-down selection of bag styles, more pricey, and sole-tokidoki branded (no more co-branding with LSS), though still manufactured by them. i'm excited - tokidoki bags are always cute, and so fun to stare/look at close-up... but looking at the carnival print and the new bag styles, i think i'll be safe for now. no serious lemmings - yet... though i really like the print section with the unicorns-merry-go-round, the cowboy, and the other of the cabaret ipod girl *lol*.. super sweet. a bacio style would be cute....
i'm more keen on the "eco" themed collection - eco mondo - coming out later this year :)
meanwhile, check out the interview with simone legno on karmaloopTV and catch a glimpse of the new, upcoming prints ;) see simone describe the way he creates a new character from sketch, scan, to the full works.. very cool!
btw, happy 08/08/08!