the first in the series - carnival - has just launched early this month, with a slightly toned-down selection of bag styles, more pricey, and sole-tokidoki branded (no more co-branding with LSS), though still manufactured by them. i'm excited - tokidoki bags are always cute, and so fun to stare/look at close-up... but looking at the carnival print and the new bag styles, i think i'll be safe for now. no serious lemmings - yet... though i really like the print section with the unicorns-merry-go-round, the cowboy, and the other of the cabaret ipod girl *lol*.. super sweet. a bacio style would be cute....
i'm more keen on the "eco" themed collection - eco mondo - coming out later this year :)
meanwhile, check out the interview with simone legno on karmaloopTV and catch a glimpse of the new, upcoming prints ;) see simone describe the way he creates a new character from sketch, scan, to the full works.. very cool!
btw, happy 08/08/08!
hi celest,
we're still trying to find out where to buy the new bags here in Asia - but yes these new bags are pretty cool!
hi jackie,
yea, the bags are cute. do keep us updated on your blog with your findings :) i'd love to see them in person too.
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