at the end of the contest, one final team of 3 members will be selected to travel from australia to los angeles to complete the "4320 minutes in LA" challenge. imagine, tweeting every single minute of the day for 3 whole days.. wow... that'll be quite interesting. wonder how they'll take turns to sleep/eat/use the loo etc. :P
if the team completes the challenge successfully, they will win themselves a free trip around the world! awesome!
sadly though, this contest is only open to australian residents.
Hey I'm from Australia and I saw your post about this and will try to enter it :)
hi cris, thanks for visiting. great! good luck on the twitter contest if you do take part! :)
r welcome...ur blog made me think i should really follow some more ppls blogs as there can be some good stuf...i like ur interesting information.where else would i hear of all that stuff??? i didn't even hear of that comp in australia :) ahah .
hi cris, welcome back again.
if you search for random topics on google, i'm sure you'll find tons of other very interesting blogs and websites. perhaps you might want to start by visiting some of the sites i've listed on my side bar, or try checking out your areas of interests on blog flux, globe of blogs or blog catalog. and if you already have a twitter account, that's where you can find quirky news and updates from all around the world too :) have fun!
cheers mate!!! :D
i'm sure I will find many interestings reading things!!! :D
i hope i do it :D
Cris :D
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