Sunday, January 01, 2012

HAPPY 2012!

another post, another day, another year...

there's a Chinese saying "三分天注定,七分靠打拼" - we are what we are because of 30% God's will, and 70% hard work.

life is often what we make of it - whilst fate plays a part in bringing us people, things, opportunities (even good luck) at a specific place, a specific time, a specific intersection; it is ultimately the decisions we make, how we respond, that determines what happens next... and then beyond.

2011 has been a whirlwind of events, despite it having passed by so fast, there were many significant moments - good ones, bad ones, crazy ones, rewarding ones, experimental ones, embarrassing ones - that made me discover more about myself, about people around me, my own strengths and limits, and the marvels of nature and life.

as we welcome the brand new year, i am thankful for all who has been there with me through the journey. it's easy to take things and people who matter for granted - i hope i will always remember to show appreciation in whatever little ways i can. i'm not a vocal or expressive person by nature but i am grateful for life and its gifts, and constantly remind myself to be a better person - to be aware, to share more, to appreciate more, to smile and give thanks more often, to count my blessings, to be happy, to live with conviction.

so in the New Year 2012, let us approach all things with an open heart, accommodate differences and shortcomings, show respect, dream big dreams, laugh out loud, share love, make time for people who matter, make time for ourself, and lead a happy, fulfilling life.

may 2012 bring us love, warmth, good health, good figure *wink*, good company, good dreams, good fortunes, and a good life.

happy new year to all :)

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