maybe it's good to have a theme for your blog afterall, eg. gadgets, food, family, pictures.... some direction to it. at least that way, you won't really run out of ideas/ inspiration about what to post. for me, my sheer reasons for setting up this blog was (i) out of curiosity (ii) to keep up with the "everyone-is-blogging" trend, and (iii) S. has a blog, so i want one too! (haha, ok this one is lame... but it really was a big factor :P)
so you see, i'm sprouting nonsense today. read on only if you're really bored, like me. chinese new year's around the corner, i'm looking forward to it, but not exactly thrilled. maybe cuz i dread the idea of having to meet my relatives, cousins, aunts and uncles with these blemishes on my face that just won't go away. *boo hoo* i didn't go to takashimaya CNY fair this year (odd.. cuz i'd usually get excited over those tins and boxes of new year goodies and cookies). so what's up with me? what's going on? am i losing it? am i getting too old to celebrate chinese new year? i don't know. maybe i won't be getting much ang bao money this year... and then everyone will start asking me when am i getting married, how come i haven't brought my bf home, try to match-make me with mr. who and who's son or that auntie's son's neighbour... blah blah blah.... oh give me a break.
i'm getting very tired these days, physically.... but more so mentally. too much work everyday - brain dead. i need new excitement. things that spur me on, give me that zest in life, that adrenaline rush. can't seem to find it. i drag myself up every morning, psychoing myself in the mirror, trying to convince my reflection that it's going to be a wonderful day, that i'd accomplish a lot at work that day. i have to resort to that these days. i'm beginning to wonder if it's just seasonal mood swings, or is that a tell-tale sign that it's time for a change? some kind of change.
i wonder... do other people get bored of what they do everyday? how do folks like my parents stay in the same job, do the same kind of things day-after-day, for so so so so so many years? don't they ever get bored? tired? sick? hmmm.... or is it just me? am i too frivalous to stay interested in the same job/ scope for long? or have i just not found my ultimate dream job - you know, those kind of job that you just love doing, like a hobby, some passion, a calling? so what's mine?
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