i loved the movie and the 3 female leads (kong li, michelle yeoh, zhang ziyi), but felt that zhang ziyi could have been a little more flirty and less reserved in portraying her character... a little more "fluid" like water would make her character more captivating. somehow, i also felt that the movie didn't exude enough "japan-ness" as it could have. perhaps a japanese crew/ cast could have done that better. nonetheless, a very well done movie.
while at the cinema, saw the trailer for another movie that caught my interest - north country starring charlize theron. story is about how a single mother, having to earn a living, went to work in an iron mine (where money was good, but life's exceptionally hard -for a woman- in a male-dominated industry).
"Inspired by a true story, North Country follows Josey’s journey on a road that will take her farther than she ever imagined, ultimately inspiring countless others, and leading to the nation’s first-ever class action lawsuit for sexual harassment. "
sounds phenomenal and powerful... looking forward to the launch of this movie. of course, being a woman myself... how can i miss this? :)
I love "geisha" too. Thanks for asking me along. I was totally clueless about the show since I have never really paid attention to the book when it was all the rage, nor paid any attention to the movie trailer/promos at all. Hehe, which is sometimes good as I went into the theatre with no expectations at all :)
Thought I'd let you know that Charlize has been nominated for best acress award for the Oscars due to her role in this movie.
carolyn: glad you enjoyed the movie, me too! i still haven't got a chance to read the original book.
simon: thanks for sharing the news. just realised that "north country" is already showing at the theatres now (sooner than expected).... can't wait to watch it this week :)
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