FYI, i'm typing this entry in absolute darkness now (only light is the one emitting from the PC screen). nope, no power failure, i'm just not switching on the lights in the computer room. i read somewhere that roaches and many other night-active-flying-bugs are drawn to lights. so i'd rather strain my eye for now, than to lure the whatever-it-was-flying-thing from last night back in again.
i'm super terrified of flying bugs and beetles, especially the notorious roach. i shan't go on to explain why i'm so afraid of them (some things you simply can't explain) but i'm quite sure it's a fear that no one else can imagine - you'd have to be me to truly understand the intensity of it. so please don't dismiss my phobia by telling me "it's just a small creature....", cuz the psychological trauma, the anxieties and terror caused by these mere creatures are serious, real, and almost impossible to describe in words. even sitting in this dark room typing this right now, makes me jittery. my heart halts at the slightest sound of rustling plastic bags or faint scratchy noises. any possible signs of the "enemy(ies)" lurking around freak me out. yikes yikes.
ok, i'm done with today's blog. heading to bed now. shan't leave the lights in the washroom on for too long, gets on my nerves....
ps: there is actually cure for people like me who suffer from fear of bugs - otherwise known as "entomophobia" - check this out
1 comment:
You are not the only one afraid of roaches. I dislike them with a fierce intensity and my heart can literally "stop" when I see them - me frozen. The flying roaches are the worst! That explains why my window is always closed, so that no insects can get in.
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