i don't know what's wrong but i just don't feel right. haven't been feeling right for a while now. i've been thinking of quitting, the urge gets so strong these days, i could barely control myself. quit from everything - start afresh. like one of those toy-whiteboards, you push the wiper across the board - swoosh - and all of a sudden, everything's gone... all the drawings, all those imprints, all the earlier efforts. and you start all over again.
i'm like this close to doing that to my life right now.
i wake up every morning wondering what i want to do. i need a change, some changes.
maybe i'm suffering from mid-life crisis? maybe a little early for that, but symptoms sure sound like it.
anyway, i'm so tired. i wanna quit.... or at least, hide, take a break.
*hugs* Hmmm...wish I can tell you this is just a phase and it will be better, but I doubt so at your current place. They have been working you to death for many months now. But I still hope you will get to a place where it will be all good :)
Hmm..sounds pretty bad. Why not follow your heart? Quit and take a break for a while before starting a new beginning. Working is never ending and breaks are needed from time to time else sure feel very low morale. Feel well soon ;)
thanks ladies for your concern, really appreciate. TGIF! can take some time off to think a little and relax. hope i'll get it all sorted out soon too.
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