in an attempt to google for a list of all 7 wonders, i stumbled upon this very interesting website on the "new 7 wonders of the world" campaign.
"The 'New7Wonders Foundation' was created in 2001 by Swiss adventurer Bernard Weber, with a mission to protect humankind's heritage across the globe.......... At the end of 2005, the N7W panel chose 21 candidates from the top 77 nominees that had earned the most votes, and these 21 are now in the final stage of the competition. The official N7W 21 finalist candidates were announced by the panel's President, Prof. Federico Mayor, on January 1, 2006 in Zurich.The final round of voting for the New 7 Wonders will continue throughout 2006 and half of 2007. Then, on July 7, 2007 -07.07.07, the dream of the N7W initiators will become a reality as the globe joins together to celebrate the New 7 Wonders of the World, as chosen by the world's population using modern communications technology."
way cool! you too can now play a part in the voting of the new 7 wonders of the world, and make history. check out the 21 shortlisted monuments now!

- the 7 wonders of the ancient world
- time traveller tours
- 7 natural wonders of the world
- forgotten wonders
- other lists
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