it's an inspiron 710m, i like it for it's lightweight/ compact size, makes it a breeze to carry around. on the downside, the screen is super small, i have to really squint my eyes to read the tiny text (think the average text looks like 6.5 font size). imagine how tedious it can get when i have to eyeball and clean up thousands of database figures and work on text-heavy reports *faint*.....
nonetheless, i'm not really complaining... it's great to have a laptop to work on (even though it's company's property, not exactly mine) :) tonight, i brought the laptop home to finish some work. my home internet connection works via dial-up broadband. we don't have wireless network at home, but i got a free wireless modem when i upgraded the singnet service last year. haven't had the chance to make use of the modem's wireless feature till now. i couldn't locate the installation manual, so i basically tried to install the wireless feature to the laptop by gut feel. ok, to all you techies out there, you might be wondering what's so difficult about setting up the wireless modem and linking it to the laptop.... but to a common user like me, attempting all that without referring to the step-by-step guide in "wireless setup for dummies" is really quite a feat! :)
after 10 minutes of trial and error, and 2 x repeats of installation --> uninstallation --> reinstallation, i finally got the wireless modem to work with the laptop! yay! *applause* *pop champagne* *fireworks* boy am i proud of my own achievement... hehehe :D
so ladies and gentlemen, as you are reading this entry right now (100% typed on the new laptop and connected via the wireless modem)... do allow yourself to feel honoured and privileged in sharing this special moment ;)
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