toys nowadays are really changing so quickly to catch up with the times. meet VideoGirl, this very cool Barbie doll released earlier in July this year - she's a doll and a video camera at the same time! makes me wonder what's the age of the youngest film-maker on youtube now :)anyway, as with all things, with the good stuff.. comes some bad stuff too.
check this out too: FBI warns Barbie doll could be used for child porn
i once saw a documentary on TV, showing a giant octopus squeezing through the tiniest of holes (probably 100 times smaller than itself), and yet possesses such amazing instincts and perfect familiarity of its own body and limitations, that if the hole was made just a notch smaller, it would know in an instant that it's too small for it to fit, and wouldn't even bother to waste effort trying at all.
i was in total awe of the magnificent slimy creature after watching the entire documentary - such an intelligent, witty, quick-learning aquatic 'transformer'. so much so that i've decided to avoid eating octopus if i could have a choice.
with that in mind.. the following youtube clip just says a completely different story of another curious creature.. lol.i love kitty cats. this one is just too HAVE to wait and watch the part at time stamp 2:08 - simply hilarious!
intelligent? cute? stupid? or simply unconcerned with the conventions?
you decide. hehe ;)
horoscope reading for Libra today, sounds lovely :)
i especially like the last line, so nice, so true.
"You may feel less emotional today about an important issue as the moody Moon leaves your sign, but you still have unresolved stress to handle. Fortunately, things should take a turn for the better and you'll be able to dream your way through the day. Just keep in mind that the beauty you see out there is a reflection of what you have within your own heart." (Rick Levine via
gotta check this out if you: - love the white fluffy polar bears
- are a huge fan of coca cola and all things coke
- enjoy Long John Silvers
i haven't stepped into a Long John Silvers restaurant for the longest time. in fact i think i can count with one hand, the total number of times i've ever had food there. by fast food standards, it's actually not a bad place but somehow it just never comes up to the top of my list even when I do crave some fast food *shrugs*. i have to admit though, i do kinda like their salty crispy fries, the coleslaw and the extra crunchy flour bits they throw in whenever you order fried stuff :)this evening, i passed by a Long John Silvers restaurant after running some errands, wasn't thinking of getting anything there but the promotional pullup banner at the entrance stopped me in my tracks. it said - purchase any combo meal, upsize your drink, and get one of the featured coca-cola-branded stuffed polar bears for only S$1.80! :) yea, i know... i really don't need another stuffed toy, but the picture of those cute little palm-size wintery white fluffy bears with their festive red scarf, fleece hat and coca cola bottle in hand, just made it so hard to resist, you know? hehe. so i succumbed and walked right into the restaurant... figured i could have a mango fish wrap combo for dinner anyway.
just look at him, isn't he super uber adorable? wouldn't you be tempted if you saw it too? ;) promotion started today (27 nov), one new bear each week.... so hurry down to your nearest branch, and collect all 4!
looks like kids growing up in San Francisco will never know what a happy meal really is anymore :PMcDonald's slams San Francisco ban on Happy Mealshonestly, i do remember very fondly of my childhood Mcdonald's (singapore) toys - the tiny muppets dolls, the annual lunar new year animal characters, cartoon figurines, ronald mcdonald and friends etc. wow... i guess it must be a miracle i'm not obese by now :P
i'd have to agree though, that most kids don't really associate the big fat yellow 'M' with the 'high-calorie', 'too much fat and sugar' food it serves; it is the FREE toy that most definitely does the magic, or at least the aspiration of going to McDonald's (just like when Mummy steps into a Louis Vuitton or Gucci store for the first time). i remember when my nephew turned two, he could excitedly call out 'McDonald's' whenever we drove pass the big yellow sign... and that's even before anyone ever took him to one. i wondered where on earth did he get all that excitement and knowledge of McDonald's from, and then he said, "i want that toy on the TV!"
yup, sometimes even Auntie Celest wants some of those toys too.
remember the hello kitty extra value meal craze many years ago? uh huh, 'happy meals' are definitely not for-kids-only.
does it make you wonder now...
if you took your child to McDonald's, and gave him/her two options:
(i) a happy meal with healthy fruits and vegetables AND a free toy, or
(ii) a super tasty, crispy deep-fried, 300% salt and fat overloaded 'unhappy meal' with NO toy
which do you think his/her choice would be?
i'm usually on the fence with M.A.C cosmetics. i know there is a huge fan following for M.A.C., making sure that all limited edition new collections get snapped up within days or even hours of their launch, but for me, M.A.C. is usually a hit or miss, and i always still have my soft spot for stila, too faced, Paul & Joe and such... what can i say, i'm a packaging kind of girl, the makeup has to look pretty in the palette before i can be convinced that it'll look pretty on me :)M.A.C. launches a new collection every month or so, they're usually very bold and loud, hardly my cup of tea. once in a while though, i do get attracted and even tempted by some of their whimsical, mod-style collections.... just like its current Tartan Tale collection, totally spot on for me! gosh, shall i make a trip down to CK Tangs this evening? ;) wonder if there's anything left...

a tartan tale
We're telling a slightly twisted Tartan Tale to celebrate holiday, in all its posh, punk, ancestral, anarchic, noble and naughty glory. Royal and raunchy, colours and patterns collide, fantasies come true, punk fairies take flight with enchanted new looks. Be transformed! (abstract from
gee, i'm so loving these... the scottish checked prints and crest on the cases/pouches are soo pretty! ooh tempting tempting tempting :P
view more gorgeous pics. here:
people who know me usually wouldn't associate me with the outdoor, adventurous kind, and they're right. i'm quite conservative and am generally happy staying within my comfort zone most of the time. but that doesn't mean i don't like to try new things, i do! and i also enjoy an adventure or two every now and then - be it new food, explore a new place / city, attempt a new activity or a new experience... i guess it depends on who i'm doing all that with :)
two weekends ago, i tried the forest adventure @ bedok reservoir park and enjoyed myself more than i'd expected. it was not entirely an easy breezy course for me, but i guess that makes it all the more exciting. and now that i've tried my first 'flying fox' adventure here in singapore, i'm actually craving for more *smile* - so this is what i would love to do next...
check out the megazip adventure park @ sentosa singapore.
i've heard of this when we're planning for the forest adventure earlier, but haven't actually checked out the site until i received an email mailer two days ago. whoa! this looks like a lot more challenging and exciting than forest adventure. there seems to be only one 'flying fox' (they call it the MegaZip) but from the pictures, it looks much higher (75m high), steeper and further (450m long) than the one at the bedok reservoir park! it goes across the Imbiah Walk, pass the Siloso Beach, all the way over the water, finally landing on an offshore smaller isle. so cool!
the forest adventure @ bedok is a complete outward-bound-type course that incorporates 3 - 4 'flying fox' rides within it, like a combination of activities that you can find at megazip. whereas the MegaZip @ sentosa is one single ride on a longer and probably more exhilarating 'flying fox' journey across the zip wire. they do have other activities such as the ClimbMax, ParaJump, NorthFace but can be done as a combo package or separately on its own. everything looks really fun and hugely challenging (at least to me), i'm sure this will be a big hit with extreme sports lovers. i've experience something similar to the ParaJump at the forest adventure, and it sure was the most dreadful part for me. lol... i hate the part where you step off the platform and just jump into thin air, but it's also the part where i felt the most accomplished after :) so i'm very certain ParaJump will be a 'killer' activity for me, one that will so tempt me and yet repulse me at the same time.
i haven't actually set a date or make plans to do this yet... still looking for the right friends to try it together. but this is a definite to-do on my list. if not everything (i'm not sure if i'm fit enough to conquer NorthFace), at least MegaZip and ParaJump, and perhaps ClimbMax too, if i feel confident enough *adrenaline rush*... woohoo!
i don't know why this is so funny... perhaps just because it's so silly and totally meaningless. lol. life's simple pleasure - to be able to watch a silly youtube clip about two cats, and laugh ;)
beautiful felines by the way.
hahaha.. there's been debate whether the watermelon is real or fake...but whatever it is, this is just super cute :) the baby looked pretty content licking within the watermelon.. lol.
this was what my girlfriends and i did yesterday, probably the most adventurous and fun outdoor activity i've done in a long long while :) it was absolutely nerve-wrecking and oh-so-thrillingly awesome at the same time.
i loved the 'flying fox' - the parts when i'm cruising high above ground flying across the reservoir, not so much the initial big step off the platform - i had to psych myself up for that, and take a huge breath and hold it before each and every jump... but once your feet are off the platform, cruising through the air, it's just a wonderful adrenaline rush all the way :)
my scariest station was the free-fall 'tarzen swing', that may seem simple but trust me, the very moment you stand at the edge of the platform, looking at how high and far the drop is, taking that step off the platform suddenly seems like the most impossible thing to do. lol. well, we all did it anyway. woohoo! *a round of applause for everyone*
so who says there's nothing adventurous to do in Singapore?
go try this yourself. - what: forest adventure singapore
- where: bedok reservoir park (alight and walk from the car park)
- prices:
(grand course) at least 1.4m tall, max. 130kg
- S$36 per adult
- S$34 per student
- S$32 per youth below 18 (must be supervised by an adult)
(kids' course) at least 1.1m tall
- S$24 per child
- URL:
- see what you're in for (promo video)
when i posted 'remember miffy' on here back in August, i mentioned it to a colleague and she clearly remembered miffy and we got into a mini conversation around the little illustrated character, history and what we had remembered of it.little would i know that the little conversation actually brought miffy to me! hehe.. this was what i received for my birthday from the colleague when i came back to work middle of this week :)
new case (with front flap) for my iPhone!
weee... miffy + polka dots + pink!!what more could i have asked for? hehehe.. ;)
thank you!
btw, you can now download desktop wallpapers of miffy and other designs from women'secret online. check them out here.
let's take a look at an interesting photography project - the McDonald's Happy Meal Project, or view the original photos posted on Flickr by Sally Davies.
granted this 'Happy Meal Art Exhibit' was created and photographed in New York City, where weather conditions are generally cooler and less humid than it is here, it is still quite scary to imagine how the 'meal' could withstand decomposition for that long.. 180 days, that's 6 whole months!
and if you think the insane amount of preservatives in the food is the sole reason protecting it from decomposition, read this...
"But scientists say preservatives aren't the main reason why the Golden Arches' food won't break down -- it's fat. Fries and burgers sold by McDonald's are high in fat -- more than 50 percent of the calories found in McDonald's french fries come from fat, the same amount as in the restaurant chain's burgers.
"Anything that is high in fat will be low in moisture," Washington State University Professor Barry Swanson said. Low moisture on a surface means mold can't grow, which means the food can't decay. And don't forget the salt." (Source:
i really can't decide which is worse :P
today, 10.10.10, may be a special day for weddings (i'm sure the total number of marriage registrations at the R.O.M. today is a record high)... but it's also a special day for me because my first ever high school reunion in 15 years, happened today!thanks to the power of social networks, reconnection between old (or long-lost) friends are no longer a tedious and time-consuming affair. even though i'm hardly on Facebook (honestly, i actually avoid it), i happened to stumble upon an old high school class photo on a friend's profile page, just at the right time, to find out about the impromptu breakfast meetup this morning! talk about perfect timing.. hehehe.i don't actively add friends on Facebook, and have not actually established a connection with these former classmates, but i decided to 'gatecrash' the gathering anyway :) at first, i was a little hesistant, not sure whether it would be awkward meeting these girls for the first time after such a long while. i could barely even remember some of these classmates' names, but i figured the feeling would probably be mutual, and i sure didn't want to miss this once-in-15-years chance to catch up with old the end, i'm certainly glad i showed up for it. it turned out to be quite a cozy gathering, just 9 of us (about one-third our class size). i'm not close to most of the girls present but it's amazing how we all broke the ice very quickly, and started sharing details of our lives just like old friends. it's very interesting to see the diversity even in such a small group, how each of us have branched out onto a different path, a different career, a different kind of life, despite having shared a similar educational background. it is encouraging, and inspirational, hearing about everyone's stories and experiences over the years... realising that success and happiness can take form in so many different ways, at different aspects of life, in whatever we choose, even with the occasional challenges that life throws at us. sometimes it's easy to get caught up in our own little world, and forget that other people too, share the same trials and tribulations of today's world, that we're not the only one whom has been through difficult times.
what i thought would be a 30 min. quick meetup eventually became a 3 hour cozy and fun all-girls chit chat session. at the end of it, we exchanged phone numbers (oh you wouldn't believe how many iPhone users there are amongst the 9 of us. lol!), and were already starting to plan for a next gathering at one of the girls' new bacherlorette pad :)
it was a really nice gathering, i had fun.
ps: i just realised THIS entry marks my 100th post for the year.. what a 'perfect 10 day' coincidence, erh? ;)
today is 10.10.10.
whether you input this date in the UK or US format (or even in the Chinese format of
年/月/日), it's still the perfect 10. isn't it beautiful? :)
some people wouldn't even get the chance in their lifetime to experience this - a once in a century event. i feel special just being a part of this day.
so, happy perfect 10, everyone.
have a perfect day!
here's a little message to share (excerpt from a Chinese short stories book by author 黄桐):
happiness is like a dog's tail,
no matter how you pursue it,
around and around, you'll never catch up...
but as soon as you abandon the chase, and carry on ahead,
you'll find the tail of happiness, following closely right behind you!
ooh.. i'm really keen on going for this one.anyone else interested in being a CSI agent for a day? ;)
what: 'CSI: the experience' exhibitionwhere: science centre singapore - 15 science centre road, singapore 609081when: (from 16 october 2010) tuesdays to sundays, 10am - 6pm,
closed on mondays and public holidaysURL:
i like whimsical items, and that shows in the things i have around me - personal items, cosmetics packaging, notebooks, pouches, desktop decorations, outfits i even have whim on my bedroom wall.. hehe.
check it out...
isn't this just so adorable and sweeeeeeeet? :)
it was love at first sight, i like how carefree the kids look, the simple colours, the silhouettes. i didn't plan on getting this but when i saw it, i could immediately picture it in my bedroom, exactly where i wanted it to be.
i chanced upon this tiny corner booth at Plaza Singapura on saturday, and saw this in their catalogue. i had previously seen wall decals/stickers at friends' homes, mostly in their nursery or baby rooms, and knew there were plenty of designs and styles for different preferences and surfaces, but just never quite paid much attention to them until i found the perfect one for myself. the prices were quite reasonable, between S$10 - S$50 for most designs/sizes, and they're reusable too. i got mine at S$20 (approx. 1m x 1m size).
the entire picture came in over 20 separate parts, took me about 20 mins. to carefully peel off and transfer them piece by piece onto the wall next to my bed. i had to pause and take a few steps back to survey the entire view a few times, to make sure everything fits correctly and nicely in place, not too low, not too high. it's fairly simple and easy to do it yourself, a very fun mini bedroom makeover project too. i really enjoyed putting it together and seeing the whole picture come together at the end, it's simple fun and somewhat fulfilling too :)
last night, i went to bed smiling as i admired the image on my wall. even as i laid in bed, i couldn't stop staring up at the wall until i drifted off to sleep....check out other designs here.
if something this cute ain't wicked, then what is it? lol.
i first came across Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Lovers fragrance (original set) during my vacation in Seattle back in 2008. it was love at first sight. i KNEW i had to bring home some of those even before i had a sniff of the scents. as it turned out, they were all very pleasant and i even got oddly hooked to the unusual fruity coconuty scent of 'G'. so i ended up with a big splurge at Macy's, left the store with the 10ml petite bottle of 'G' and 'LOVE', and the entire set of solid perfume cuties :P
in mid-2009, the brand launched a limited edition seasonal collection featuring the same 5 dolls dressed in warm fluffy winter coats and each spotting rosier cheeks - the 'Snow Bunnies' collection! even though i wasn't in the USA then, Harajuku Lovers eventually made it to the departmental stores here, and so i added the new 'G' and 'BABY' to my collection. from then on, i knew there was just no turning back *gulp*...
and right i was. earlier this year, when Summer came, the Harajuku Lovers left their thick winter clothes behind and showed more skin :) these 'Sunshine Cuties' looked sooooo adorable in their tiny bikinis and bathing suit, they even had tanner skin, and oh.. look at 'LOVE' with her over-sized sunshades! hehehe... how could i resist? *tsk tsk tsk*. i chose the 10ml 'G' and 'LOVE' again. this time, other than 'G', each doll's scent was slightly different from the original, so that made it more interesting.
when i saw the new 'Wicked Style' Harajuku Lovers on, i must say Harajuku Lovers are just wicked! lol. i'm gonna be broke collecting them, even though i limit myself to only 2 dolls per season, it all still adds up :P
initially, i thought i would be safe with the 'Wicked Style' cuz it's darker, more 'emo' and not quite my usual fancy, but they actually grew on me. yikes! the scents are new, and they now have fuzzy felt heads, new hairdo too! cute. i've already taken a liking to 'G', 'BABY' and 'LIL' ANGEL'.
hmm.. i don't think they'll be available on our shore for at least another month or so, let's just see if i'll still be tempted then ;) oh wicked wicked wicked...
hmm.. i can't figure out how i feel about this.i mean, i do like the pretty floral (and butterflies) prints but i don't see the point in this. i can understand where the marketers are coming from... i'm just not quite buying into the idea.don't get me wrong, i'm ALL for pretty, girly, sexy underwear and lingerie - polka dots, satin, lacy, florals, wild safari prints etc., you name it. some ladies may not be particular with them since underwear stays underneath our daily outfits, but i like the way i feel in the pretty ones.i tried to apply that same 'feel-good' theory to the Kotex printed sanitary pads but it just doesn't feel the same. short of getting into the details, i'm sure everyone knows where that pad will eventually end up no matter how pretty it is.. erh was. besides, i'd be a little paranoid with the added colour/inks, it can't be too good that close to our skin.hmm.. but you know what's the odd thing? for me, i suspect i would actually be lured into buying the product if all those pretty designs were to go onto the exterior packaging, not on the pad itself. hehe.
so what do you think? will you give this a try?

once in a while, you come across a blog that you really like.and then once in a while, you come across a blog that you simply love.THIS is one of them :)i super uber adore this blog - Mila's daydreams. reading it makes me smile.
"This is my maternity leave hobby. While my baby is taking her nap, I try to imagine her dream and capture it." ~ Adele Enersensuch creativity, beauty and sheer ingenuity... a very special and sweet activity between a mum and a newborn daughter; a cute, meaningful way to document the baby's growth through the days/months as well. i'm sure this would make a lovely keepsake for everyone in the family for many years to come, even for Mila herself when she grows up.
i wonder if Mila sleeps soundly through it all as her mum goes about building 'dreams' around her *smile*.
thanks to Davis who shared this in email - her eldest daughter happens to be named Mila too :)
any of you remember miffy?if it rings a bell, then you're probably born in the same era as me.. lol.
women's secret has just launched a new miffy collection for the casual and underwear, so nostalgic! i like these - miffy accessories and paper pins :D
i remember how i used to love going to the national library because i would always max. out my loan limit on miffy look books.. hehe. they're just so cute, simplest shapes, cutest bunnies with "x" shaped mouths... image filled books, minimum text, interesting texture (sometimes they had cut out shapes with woolly fabric bunny prints) - guess i've always been drawn to visuals more than words :)
anyway, i haven't seen miffy around for a long time now. just heard from a friend that it's actually still very popular in Japan. check out the official website.. super cute! even the cursor is a miffy bunny paw.. awww. lol.
oh well, sometimes a woman just needs her 2 min. of childish time :P helps keep one sane on stressful days.
i don't really know why i'm posting this here, i don't even find this amusing.looks like Miss Ris Low makes a come back again *horror*.. her attempt at creating some YOG cheers in response to The New Paper contest.
makes you wonder what was she thinking again.
view only if you really wanted to.
perhaps in a week's time, she'll issue a press release to say that The New Paper paid her for this, to draw publicity to the contest... just like her "guest appearance" joke on april fools' day for radio 987FM? remember?
something weird just happened.for the first time in my life, i actually felt sorry for a cockroach!anyone who knows me will be aware that i'm deadly terrified of them.. the sight, sound or idea of these yucky, disgusting flying creatures just horrifies me. unfortunately, i seem to never be able to shake them out of my life.. they're just super resistant, existing in every corner, everywhere around the world.anyway, i was at the office female toilet earlier. i had first checked around for any signs of the 'terror', confirmed that i was safe before stepping into a cubicle. just right after i was done using the toilet and about to flush, i saw a very tiny (ladybug-size) cockroach appear under the seat. i jumped, and that sent the mini-roach scrambling frantically around trying to avoid being stepped on. it was so tiny but so fast, darted from one corner to another and finally dodged right under the tiniest sheet piece fragment of toilet paper on the floor. as much as i loathe cockroaches, at that very moment, i actually pity that tiny little thing. no it was not cute, but it was so scared (and looked pretty harmless). that fragment of paper is no larger than a thumb, yet it stayed so still under it, right in the middle of the cubicle floor. it's almost amusing.
i could have just stepped and killed it in an instant (i wouldn't in any case), but i just let it be. i hope i will not regret this some day, when it grows up to its full adult size and really terrorise me in the toilet...
anyway, on this day, that creature got lucky. the toilet paper act saved its life. and right after i stepped out of the cubicle to wash my hands, it came out of hiding. hmm..
i'm not a coke fan, but i know many friends who are. i'm like an old auntie.. hehe, my favourite drink is hot milk tea, and i seldom or almost never take cold drinks, especially the carbonated ones. nonetheless, that didn't stop me from bagging a set of these coca-cola cuties the moment i saw them at the store! ok, i don't use 4 lip balms/gloss at the same time - the regular coke set is a surprise gift for a gf, mine's the vanilla lip balm *slurp.. yummy* (it smells and even tastes a little like the real thing!)
i've always read of lip smacker and their wide range of very interesting co-branded and food/drink-flavoured lip products online, but sadly they're just hardly available here in Singapore. in recent years, thanks to globalisation, expanding retail giants and even the more enterprising smaller blogshops, we're now beginning to find more exciting, cutesy merchandises on our tiny little island too :) besides the regular coca-cola and vanilla coke flavours, i also spotted sprite, fanta - strawberry, orange & grape too! such lovely collectibles.. hurry, go grab yours today before they're all gone!available at Guardian Pharmacy at the following prices:
- regular lip balm (S$4.90)
- clear lip gloss (S$6.90)
- roller-ball lip gloss (S$7.90)
- packaged set of all 3 lip items (S$15.90)
i hope they'll bring in the lip smacker paul frank lip balms set too.. way toooooooo adorable! (don't ask me how i'll ever get to finish my lip balms) :P
down with a sudden fever, throat infection and such last week, i've lost my voice for the past two days, could not utter a word at all. i was back at work in the office yesterday, armed with a mini stack of recycled calendar paper and a pen, scribbling everywhere i go.. guess it was pretty fun, and quiet. lol (actually, in my case.. laughing in silence.. hehe).this morning, i finally got my voice back, well.. somewhat - if you can consider the hoarse and muffled sounds i am beginning to make, a voice. at least i don't have to rely on the pen and paper anymore. if you listen intently enough, you'll get what i say.
i just logged on to igoogle and here's my horoscope for today... such an irony, thought i'd share :PLibra - You can trick yourself into believing nearly anything today, but you probably won't be inclined to share your experiences until later this evening. However, once you begin talking, it might be difficult to know when to stop because your judgment isn't as sharp as usual. Remember, less is more. You're likely to get into trouble for what you say, rather than for what you didn't. (
how well do you know your Internet acronyms? :)
in this day and age where anything most things quick, easy, shortcut are associated with better efficiency, we find ourselves bombarded with an ever-growing list of acronyms everywhere we go. ok, i'm not referring to the almost gibberish text-message-style abbreviations or slangs such as 'dunno', 'i luv u', 'wer r u', 'nmd abt tat ger who bot ur reserved makeup, more stks wil cum in tml', 'wat wer u tinking', 'i tot i saw u der'... *shudder* or the informal chat style short forms such as LOL, ROFLMAO, BRB, IDK, IIRC, IMHO, TMI...
what i'm talking about here are the common, universally recognised Internet (or tech) acronyms that we use so often in our daily lives that we wouldn't even stop to think twice about. so short, so quick, used so easily, that we probably didn't even realise that we didn't know what they stand for in the first place.
so, let's try this quick little test.. see how well you fare (without cheating) ;)
ps: this list is by no means exhaustive, i'm just listing those at the top of my mind. please feel free to add on in the comments too. - WWW
- MP3
- bonus: IBM
- yup, the company that recently messed up DBS ATMs islandwide
(scroll to the end of this post for the answers)inspirations and resources:
(scroll further down for the answers)answers:
(1) world wide web (2) uniform resource locator (3) hypertext markup language (4) hypertext transfer/transport protocol (5) file transfer protocol (6) really simple syndication (7) disk operating system (8) short message service (9) multimedia messaging service (10) portable document format (11) moving picture experts group-1 (MPEG-1) audio layer 3 (12) joint photographic experts group (13) graphics interchange format (14) encapsulated postscript (15) search engine optimisation (16) cascading style sheets (17) application programming interface (18) cyan, magenta, yellow, key black (19) red, green, blue (20) automated teller machine (21) international business machines
i would! :)check out this really cool smile-activated vending machine - Share Happy Ice-Cream Machine, commissioned by Unilever.
it's a very cute idea, though i doubt it'll continue to give our free ice-cream forever...i certainly wouldn't mind smiling for a free cone or creamy scoop on a hot summer afternoon, though i'm not so sure about the uploading to Facebook part, but i guess it'll be quite funny seeing photos of grown-up men and women trying to smile as big as possible to pass the detector. lol.. cute.
also check out: Coca-Cola Happiness Machine (both developed by SapientNitro)
disclaimer: these kids have absolutely no relation to me at all.
given that this video was originally posted back in 2007, they're probably much older by now, but this is just so funny, i guess it's never too late to pass it on... and look - over 200 million views! haha, sure scored much better than many big-budget viral campaigns ;)
i guess the video became such a phenomenon, the family even started a blog titled Charlie Bit My Finger - Again! lol.
oh well, just some of the cutest and funniest things little children do. lol...
i love both their expressions :)
the Breast Cancer Foundation's charity walk / run is here again. switching up its sponsor this year, the event is now called the Watsons Pink Ribbon Walk / Run 2010.last year's pink ribbon walk / run was my first ever experience at a charity walk.. it was fun, and i've decided to continue and make it a mini tradition for myself *smile*. this year, instead of signing up for the leisure walk, i've decided to attempt the 5km competitive run :)
i'm not a competitive sportsperson, but i think this will be a nice achievable challenge for myself, a short-term goal to look forward to, a birthday milestone (since the run is exactly a week away from my birthday this year).
so, i have less than 3 months to train up.. time to hit the tracks more often now. i'm actually quite excited.. *smile*.
FYI - this year, they're opening up the run to male runners too. - what: Watsons Pink Ribbon Walk & Run 2010
- where: Big Splash @ East Coast Park, Singapore
- when: 2 October 2010, Saturday
- time: 8:00am (5km run) / 8:45am (5km walk)
- usual price: S$45 (5km run) / S$30 (5km walk)
- sign up early to enjoy early-bird discounts
- URL: event details / signup here
sherie: please signup too? :)anyone else?
in an attempt to say no to the "sinful stash" in the office, i've decided to prepare my own healthy snacks to feed the mid-day cravings at work today - some ready-to-eat baby carrots and strawberries i'd picked up from the supermarket.
i was just having a conversation with a friend earlier, and learnt something new about these baby carrots i'm munching on at the very moment (ooh so exciting.. hehe)... *drum rolls*..
did you know that baby carrots are not what we think they are?
the common belief:
- baby carrots are sweet tiny young carrots that are harvested in their baby stage
the truth:
- most baby / cocktail carrots that are sold in supermarkets are actually adult carrots pre-cut and processed to look like baby carrots *duh* - think french fries...
- U.S. farmers first invented "baby carrots" because their deformed, odd looking adult carrots wouldn't sell, so they conceived the idea of cutting them into uniform sizes, pretty shapes to enhance their appeal (and it worked big time)
- and because these carrots are pre-cut and exposed to bacteria, some farmers treat them with chlorine before shipping.. *uh ok*
Grimmway Farms explains the process:
read more here:
isn't it interesting? :)
i mentioned this to a few colleagues and, like me, none of them were aware at all!
examining the carrots up close, they're shaped so nicely it's almost hard to believe these babies are not that "baby" afterall. how deceiving! hehehe..
i do like munching on baby carrots and the tinier cherry/grape tomatoes. i guess from tomorrow onwards, i'll buy adult carrots and cut them into cute little shapes on my own. the healthy-snacking will not stop, perhaps the chlorine intake may... :)
i received this email from a colleague.. too funny, i just had to post it here. it's a little long, so bear with it.. but it's so hilarious, i assure you it's worth the read (make sure you follow through to the end of it) :)special thanks (no offence) to "Shannon Walkley" and "David Thorne" - for creating this entertaining piece, whether it's for real or just for fun :)
gosh, i'm still laughing... lol.
edited to add: i found out that David Thorne is a real person in Australia - a writer, a humourist. this particular piece apparently brought him to fame back in 2008, though i think the new "Missing Missy" shown below has gotten even better. check out more on his official website - 27b/6.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 9.15am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Poster
I opened the screen door yesterday and my cat got out and has been missing since then so I was wondering if you are not to busy you could make a poster for me. It has to be A4 and I will photocopy it and put it around my suburb this afternoon.
This is the only photo of her I have she answers to the name Missy and is black and white and about 8 months old. missing on Harper street and my phone number.
Thanks Shan. From:David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 9.26am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Poster
Dear Shannon,
That is shocking news. Luckily I was sitting down when I read your email and not half way up a ladder or tree. How are you holding up? I am surprised you managed to attend work at all what with thinking about Missy out there cold, frightened and alone... possibly lying on the side of the road, her back legs squashed by a vehicle, calling out "Shannon, where are you?"
Although I have two clients expecting completed work this afternoon, I will, of course, drop everything and do whatever it takes to facilitate the speedy return of Missy.
Regards, David.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 9.37am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Poster
yeah ok thanks. I know you dont like cats but I am really worried about mine. I have to leave at 1pm today.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.17am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Poster
Dear Shannon,
I never said I don't like cats. Once, having been invited to a party, I went clothes shopping beforehand and bought a pair of expensive G-Star boots. They were two sizes too small but I wanted them so badly I figured I could just wear them without socks and cut my toenails very short. As the party was only a few blocks from my place, I decided to walk. After the first block, I lost all feeling in my feet. Arriving at the party, I stumbled into a guy named Steven, spilling Malibu & coke onto his t-shirt, and he punched me. An hour or so after the incident, Steven sat down in a chair already occupied by a cat. The surprised cat clawed and snarled causing Steven to leap out of the chair, slip on a rug and strike his forehead onto the corner of a speaker; resulting in a two inch open gash. In its shock, the cat also defecated, leaving Steven with a foul stain down the back of his beige cargo pants. I liked that cat.
Attached poster as requested.
Regards, David.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.24am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
yeah thats not what I was looking for at all. it looks like a movie and how come the photo of Missy is so small?
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.28am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
Dear Shannon,
It's a design thing. The cat is lost in the negative space.
Regards, David.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.33am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
Thats just stupid. Can you do it properly please? I am extremely emotional over this and was up all night in tears. you seem to think it is funny. Can you make the photo bigger please and fix the text and do it in colour please. Thanks.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.46am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
Dear Shannon,
Having worked with designers for a few years now, I would have assumed you understood, despite our vague suggestions otherwise, we do not welcome constructive criticism. I don't come downstairs and tell you how to send text messages, log onto Facebook and look out of the window. I am willing to overlook this faux pas due to you no doubt being preoccupied with thoughts of Missy attempting to make her way home across busy intersections or being trapped in a drain as it slowly fills with water. I spent three days down a well once but that was just for fun.
I have amended and attached the poster as per your instructions.
Regards, David.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 10.59am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
This is worse than the other one. can you make it so it shows the whole photo of Missy and delete the stupid text that says missing missy off it? I just want it to say Lost.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.14am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.21am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Poster
yeah can you do the poster or not? I just want a photo and the word lost and the telephone number and when and where she was lost and her name. Not like a movie poster or anything stupid. I have to leave early today. If it was your cat I would help you. Thanks.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.32am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Awww
Dear Shannon,
I don't have a cat. I once agreed to look after a friend's cat for a week but after he dropped it off at my apartment and explained the concept of kitty litter, I kept the cat in a closed cardboard box in the shed and forgot about it. If I wanted to feed something and clean faeces, I wouldn't have put my mother in that home after her stroke. A week later, when my friend came to collect his cat, I pretended that I was not home and mailed the box to him. Apparently I failed to put enough stamps on the package and he had to collect it from the post office and pay eighteen dollars. He still goes on about that sometimes, people need to learn to let go.
I have attached the amended version of your poster as per your detailed instructions.
Regards, David.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.47am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Awww
Thats not my cat. where did you get that picture from? That cat is orange. I gave you a photo of my cat.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 11.58am
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Awww
I know, but that one is cute. As Missy has quite possibly met any one of several violent ends, it is possible you might get a better cat out of this. If anybody calls and says "I haven't seen your orange cat but I did find a black and white one with its hind legs run over by a car, do you want it?" you can politely decline and save yourself a costly veterinarian bill.
I knew someone who had a basset hound that had its hind legs removed after an accident and it had to walk around with one of those little buggies with wheels. If it had been my dog I would have asked for all its legs to be removed and replaced with wheels and had a remote control installed. I could charge neighbourhood kids for rides and enter it in races. If I did the same with a horse I could drive it to work. I would call it Steven.
Regards, David.
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.07pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Awww
Please just use the photo I gave you.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.22pm
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.34pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
I didnt say there was a reward. I dont have $2000 dollars. What did you even put that there for? Apart from that it is perfect can you please remove the reward bit. Thanks Shan.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.42pm
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.51pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
Can you just please take the reward bit off altogether? I have to leave in ten minutes and I still have to make photocopies of it.
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 12.56pm
To: Shannon Walkley
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
From: Shannon Walkley
Date: Monday 21 June 2010 1.03pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Awww
Fine. That will have to do.