if it rings a bell, then you're probably born in the same era as me.. lol.
women's secret has just launched a new miffy collection for the casual and underwear, so nostalgic! i like these - miffy accessories and paper pins :D
i remember how i used to love going to the national library because i would always max. out my loan limit on miffy look books.. hehe. they're just so cute, simplest shapes, cutest bunnies with "x" shaped mouths... image filled books, minimum text, interesting texture (sometimes they had cut out shapes with woolly fabric bunny prints) - guess i've always been drawn to visuals more than words :)
anyway, i haven't seen miffy around for a long time now. just heard from a friend that it's actually still very popular in Japan. check out the official website.. super cute! even the cursor is a miffy bunny paw.. awww. lol.
oh well, sometimes a woman just needs her 2 min. of childish time :P helps keep one sane on stressful days.
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