Monday, May 01, 2006

i got fooled :P

check it out - titanic 2 trailer
(watch first, before you read on)

ok... i have to admit, i got fooled by this - how naive of me :P
but this trailer is really well done! *two thumbs up*

if i didn't tell you, would you have assumed it's real too?
i seriously wouldn't have guessed, until i found out the truth from cozycot. then when i went back to watch the trailer a second time, all those "cut-and-paste" scenes from other movies eg.
"romeo & juliet", "catch me if you can" etc. started to surface... hahaha...
good one, very entertaining!

btw, if the original 1997
titanic movie really did develop a sequel like this, ridiculous as it may seem, i think i'd watch it.... lol. kudos for creativity and skill - to the person who faked this trailer.


^cherie said...


Thanks for sharing :D

celest said...

yes, pretty amazing right? the editing is quite well done :)