Sunday, April 09, 2006

subconjunctival hemorrhage

subconjunctival hemorrhage - i woke up with this eye problem on thursday morning - uncomfortably dry eyes but no pain or major irritation. i didn't even notice anything wrong until i looked at myself in the mirror and saw "the red dot" showing prominently in the eye white of my left eye. it looks like a small dot of blood trapped beneath my eye, never experienced this before, scared the wits out of me.

initially i thought it might go away after some rest, but that red dot stayed where it had been even after the entire day. that's when i decided to go see a doctor - even though there's still no pain or anything unusual.

i went to the company doctor (so that i don't have to fork out my own money :p), and he's very helpful in explaining the whole issue to me. the medical term - subconjunctival hemorrhage - literally means "internal/underneath membrane bleeding". this usually happens when the eye is dry, hence the membrane sticks more closely to the undereye blood vessel.... any exertion of the eye, rubbing, or even sneezing or coughing, can easily cause the membrane tissue to tear, thus the bruise showing up as "bleeding in the eye white". may sound or even look scary, but it's usually harmless and will heal naturally in time.

doc. said mine is a very very mild case, and the small red dot will go away within the next couple of days *phew* - glad to hear that. he didn't even have to prescribe me anything, just an eyedrop to help lubricate the eye. i'm trying to be more careful with my eye now, avoid rubbing or unnecessary strain. well anyway, something new learnt :)

for more on subconjunctival hemorrhage, visit the following links:
- eMedicine
- St. Luke's Eye (warning: scary bloody-eyed image)

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